Monday 18 August 2008


I am a girl of obsessions, always have been. Even at an early age I would be the one at school who picked a guy I like and then obsess over him, whether he was looking at me, where he was standing and looking at lunch time, who else he was talking to... utterly unhealthy but quite common I think!
In my adult life (say 17+) I suppose I have become slightly better about becoming obsessed with real people. I'm starting to think it's a character trait and so it's better to be obsessed with something rather than someone.
In fact, I have written a few stories around small obsessions. I worked in a coffee shop for a while and the people who used to come in were pretty funny. I will post a couple of the stories soon and hopefully some one might leave a comment or two.

Incidently, how do you post links to other blogs on your page and how can you search for them?

Anyway, my obsession ever since Juno has been ELLEN PAGE. Goddess. I think she is the antidote to a lot of the teen slush out there for girls (and boys). Girls like Paris Hilton, Nicole Ritchie, Britney Spears... yeah they make good coffee table chat but they're not good role models. To me, these women are like emotional voids who don't seem to care about anything other than fame and attention. Ellen Page, aside from having amazing acting abilities, seems genuine and dare I say more normal. I also think she's insanely sexy and cutely patriotic about Nova Scotia, Canada, her hometown.

I daresay I will post more about E. Page on this blog because I thiank she's so cool. Let's dance!


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